密歇根大学分校 - 密歇根大学安娜堡分校 转学

密歇根大学分校 - 密歇根大学安娜堡分校 转学,1. 密歇根大学安娜堡分校 转学呵呵~ 我刚好被Umich录了~ 我是从国内读的大一大二,转去继续读大三的。。。。michigan 的官网上说了上了大学申请转学的童鞋们就不要再去考sat了,但必须把以前考过的成绩寄送过去~原文:If you took the ACT or SAT as a high school st

本文标题:密歇根大学分校 - 密歇根大学安娜堡分校 转学,在当今社会,留学已经成为了大家深造的首选方式。无论是本科生、硕博研究生,甚至是中小学生,都想尽早地接收西方发达国家的留学教育,其中很多同学十分关注“密歇根大学分校 - 密歇根大学安娜堡分校 转学”相关的问题,为此环俄小编整理了《密歇根大学分校 - 密歇根大学安娜堡分校 转学》,欢迎您阅读!若有任何疑问,欢迎您随时联系我们的在线顾问,我们会为您进行专业的1对1答疑!

1. 密歇根大学安娜堡分校 转学

呵呵~ 我刚好被Umich录了~ 我是从国内读的大一大二,转去继续读大三的。。。。michigan 的官网上说了上了大学申请转学的童鞋们就不要再去考sat了,但必须把以前考过的成绩寄送过去~
If you took the ACT or SAT as a high school student, we request that you send those score to the University so they can be evaluated as part of your transfer application. If your ACT or SAT scores are not posted on your high school transcript, please have the scores sent directly to Office of Undergraduate Admissions from the testing agency. If you have not yet had your scores reported to the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, you may request to have them sent online using these links:

ACT (U-M code is 2062)
SAT (U-M code is 1839)
Rush paper scores are not accepted.

If you did not take the ACT or SAT as a high school student, these scores will not be required as part of your transfer application to the University of Michigan and you should not sit for the exams as a college student.


2. 密歇根大学安娜堡分校的托福成绩寄送代码?

Michigan Ann ArborA: 88-100 range with section scores of at least 23 in listening and reading, and at least 21 in speaking and writing。88分是各科均刚好达到最低分数要求的分数之和。部分院系可能有更高的要求,最高要求可达100分。

3. 密歇根大学安阿伯尔分校对托福和SAT的要求多少分啊?


结语:亲爱的准留学生们,以上便是环俄小编为您整理的《密歇根大学分校 - 密歇根大学安娜堡分校 转学》一文,感谢您的阅读。若您仍然没有找到所需要的信息,请随时联系我们的在线顾问获取最专业、最准确的一对一答疑咨询,不仅可以为您节省宝贵的时间,也能有效避免因遗漏信息而与心仪的高校失之交臂,环俄留学祝您留学事宜一切顺利!






今日剩余名额: 12

