英语翻译句子 1. 如果我是你,我想再试一次。 2. 如果之前你努力学习的话,你现在就是一名大学
发布:2020-03-25 15:00:48 分类:问答精选 点击:2355 作者:环俄小编
英语翻译句子 1. 如果我是你,我想再试一次。 2. 如果之前你努力学习的话,你现在就是一名大学,一、英语翻译句子 1. 如果我是你,我想再试一次。 2. 如果之前你努力学习的话,你现在就是一名大学楼上的没有注意,这些句子都要用虚拟语气哦。1.If I were you, I would try again.2. If you had worked hard, you would be a college stud
本文标题:英语翻译句子 1. 如果我是你,我想再试一次。 2. 如果之前你努力学习的话,你现在就是一名大学,在当今社会,留学已经成为了大家深造的首选方式。无论是本科生、硕博研究生,甚至是中小学生,都想尽早地接收西方发达国家的留学教育,其中很多同学十分关注“英语翻译句子 1. 如果我是你,我想再试一次。 2. 如果之前你努力学习的话,你现在就是一名大学”相关的问题,为此环俄小编整理了《英语翻译句子 1. 如果我是你,我想再试一次。 2. 如果之前你努力学习的话,你现在就是一名大学》,欢迎您阅读!若有任何疑问,欢迎您随时联系我们的在线顾问,我们会为您进行专业的1对1答疑!
一、英语翻译句子 1. 如果我是你,我想再试一次。 2. 如果之前你努力学习的话,你现在就是一名大学
2. If you had worked hard, you would be a college student now.
3. I was sick that day, or I would have come to your birthday party.
4. But for your help, I couldn't have made such great progress in English.
5. How I wish I had seen the movie star yesterday.
6. Mary speaks such good Chinese that she looks like a Chinese.
7. Jack is working hard in case that he would fail the final exams.
8. he suggested that the English test should be put off till next Wednesday,so....太困了,写不了了
If you studied hard before,you would be a university student.
I was sick that day,or I would come to your birthday party.
I can't make such a big progress in English without your help.
I hope I could see the movie star yesterday.
Mary speaks Chinese very well,it seems that she comes from China.
Jack is studying hard in order not to fail in the End-of-Year Examination.
He suggests that the English test should be postponed to next Wednesday .
You should get up.
We persist in taking him to the hospital.
If you are trying to learn the words before, you are now a college student
That day I was sick, or else I will come to your birthday party.
But for your help, I could not have made so much progress in English.
I hope that i could see the movie star yesterday
Mary speaks Chinese very well,when she is like a Chinese
jack is trying to learn to avoid defeating in the final exam.
He suggested that the English test should be postponed to be held next Wednesday.
We adhere sent him to the hospital.
请采纳 谢谢
2.If you study hard at first, you are a college student now.
3.I was ill that day ,or I would take part in your birthday party.
4.Without your help, I won't make a great progress in English.
5.I hoped to see the film star yesterday.
6.Mary speaks Chinese very well, as if she is a Chinese.
7.Jack is studying hard in order to avoid the failure in the exam.
If I were in university, I would study hard
结语:亲爱的准留学生们,以上便是环俄小编为您整理的《英语翻译句子 1. 如果我是你,我想再试一次。 2. 如果之前你努力学习的话,你现在就是一名大学》一文,感谢您的阅读。若您仍然没有找到所需要的信息,请随时联系我们的在线顾问获取最专业、最准确的一对一答疑咨询,不仅可以为您节省宝贵的时间,也能有效避免因遗漏信息而与心仪的高校失之交臂,环俄留学祝您留学事宜一切顺利!
版权声明:本文标题《英语翻译句子 1. 如果我是你,我想再试一次。 2. 如果之前你努力学习的话,你现在就是一名大学》,网页地址(https://www.huane.net/zhidao/124723),素材来自互联网并不代表本网观点,如果本网转载的稿件涉及您的版权请发邮件至info@huane.net,我们将第一时间依照国家相关法律法规妥善处理。
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