
申请大学的英语句子,一、申请大学的英语句子直接说I am writing tobuhui a二、用英语写去沈阳大学申请书  自己根据自己的情况写吧。  入学申请书  入学申请书(Letter of application to school)是要到国外某学校进修或学习,从而事先同该校取得联系并提出申请批准的 一 种书信。现在申请到国外求学



直接说I am writing to



  入学申请书(Letter of application to school)是要到国外某学校进修或学习,从而事先同该校取得联系并提出申请批准的 一 种书信。现在申请到国外求学的人越来越多,因此掌握入学申请书的写法是十分必要的。入学申请书的主要内容有:

  一般入学申请书在正文开头即开门见山写出自己是为了申请入学才写这封信的。有的还写出 自己是由谁的推荐而想进该校学习的。
  介绍个人的情况包括自己的姓名、年龄、学历、工作经历、所学专业、进行的研究情况以及 所取得的成绩等。另外,应向对方说明自己的经济资助情况,写明是否准备申请助学金或奖 学金等。
  该部分可以将自己的具体要求,希望对方给予的帮助写出来。同时也要事先对对方将给予的 帮助表示感谢。
  另外,若随信附有个人的学历证件、个人简历、著作摘要、文章或别的推荐信等也要在该部 分写出,并说明附件的总数量。 入学申请书的主要内容

  信中所述的内容,应与本人的实际情况相符,不能言过其实,个人的学业情况,所做出的 成绩要实事求是。




I am a nine from Qingdao in the three students, would like to attend the University of xx, the following self-introduction, I do like, as well as some of my strong points and reasons.
A long time, be able to go to the United States to study has always been my dream, I would like to when I graduated from high school to apply for your school to study. Upon completion of my dream at the same time, this dream can come to the country. Longing for the United States, is believed to be owned by each person had, the U.S. universities and Chinese universities are very different from universities in the United States have more social practice, there are many public service activities, and have the opportunity to become a volunteers to help others to serve the community. We are busy in the completion of high school after learning to experience the community's future work will be helpful, I can become an all-round development of the people!
At the same time, more and more countries and companies, the importance of English is very prominent! During the study can improve my English level, multi-master a language! The United States is also an international country, in the United States there are many people with different skin color. In order to better the ideals of the common struggle! During the study in the United States, not only can learn to study in China can not be! More importantly, can be given to many friends! Equip themselves!
I hope that the approval of your school
在美国 收信人的名字写在左上角 写信时间写在右上角 写完后 还要说祝福语
What is the content;
I am a nine from Qingdao in the three students, would like to attend the University of xx, the following self-introduction, I do like, as well as some of my strong points and reasons.
A long time, be able to go to the United States to study has always been my dream, I would like to when I graduated from high school to apply for your school to study. Upon completion of my dream at the same time, this dream can come to the country. Longing for the United States, is believed to be owned by each person had, the U.S. universities and Chinese universities are very different from universities in the United States have more social practice, there are many public service activities, and have the opportunity to become a volunteers to help others to serve the community. We are busy in the completion of high school after learning to experience the community's future work will be helpful, I can become an all-round development of the people!
At the same time, more and more countries and companies, the importance of English is very prominent! During the study can improve my English level, multi-master a language! The United States is also an international country, in the United States there are many people with different skin color. In order to better the ideals of the common struggle! During the study in the United States, not only can learn to study in China can not be! More importantly, can be given to many friends! Equip themselves!
I hope that the approval of your school

I am a nine from Qingdao in the three students, would like to attend the University of xx, the following self-introduction, I do like, as well as some of my strong points and reasons.
A long time, be able to go to the United States to study has always been my dream, I would like to when I graduated from high school to apply for your school to study. Upon completion of my dream at the same time, this dream can come to the country. Longing for the United States, is believed to be owned by each person had, the U.S. universities and Chinese universities are very different from universities in the United States have more social practice, there are many public service activities, and have the opportunity to become a volunteers to help others to serve the community. We are busy in the completion of high school after learning to experience the community's future work will be helpful, I can become an all-round development of the people!
At the same time, more and more countries and companies, the importance of English is very prominent! During the study can improve my English level, multi-master a language! The United States is also an international country, in the United States there are many people with different skin color. In order to better the ideals of the common struggle! During the study in the United States, not only can learn to study in China can not be! More importantly, can be given to many friends! Equip themselves!
I hope that the approval of your school这样写的话就可以了
I am a final year high school student from Jiuzhong, Qingdao, hoping to study at xx University, I am going to introdue myself and to state my special skills and reasons as follow:

Being able to study in America has always been my dearm for a long time, therefore I contemplate applying to your university at the time of my graduation from high school. While realising my dream, I could also come to the country of my dream. I believe everyone has the desire to tearn for America, there is a huge difference between American and Chinese universities, American universities offer more activities for social practice, public welfare, as well as the opportunity to become a volunteer to serve the society and to help others.After completing our busy studying at high school, It is conducive to working life at later stage to have an experience of the society and that would probably makes me an all- rounder!
At the same time, the importance of English is very prominent in more and more countries and companies! I could raise my English standard during my study abroad, and master a language! American is also a cosmopolitan country where people have various skin colours.
They all make joint efforts to strive for the beautiful dream!
I would be able to learn certain things which I have no access to in China, during my study in America! More importantly,I would be able to make lots of friends and improve myself!
I hope that I would be accepted by your university.
I am a nine from Qingdao in the three students, would like to attend the University of xx, the following self-introduction, I do like, as well as some of my strong points and reasons.
A long time, be able to go to the United States to study has always been my dream, I would like to when I graduated from high school to apply for your school to study. Upon completion of my dream at the same time, this dream can come to the country. Longing for the United States, is believed to be owned by each person had, the U.S. universities and Chinese universities are very different from universities in the United States have more social practice, there are many public service activities, and have the opportunity to become a volunteers to help others to serve the community. We are busy in the completion of high school after learning to experience the community's future work will be helpful, I can become an all-round development of the people!
At the same time, more and more countries and companies, the importance of English is very prominent! During the study can improve my English level, multi-master a language! The United States is also an international country, in the United States there are many people with different skin color. In order to better the ideals of the common struggle! During the study in the United States, not only can learn to study in China can not be! More importantly, can be given to many friends! Equip themselves!
I hope that the approval of your school


芥 末 网 为 您 解 答: 申 请 斯 特 拉 斯 克 莱 德 大 学 , 埃 塞 克 斯 大 学 , 伦 敦 玛 丽 女 王 学 院 , C a s s 商 学 院 , 布 里 斯 托 大 学 工 科 专 业 需 要 准 备 英 文 简 历 , 其 余 具 体 看 英 国 大 学 的 要 求 , 有 的 学 校 会 根 据 你 的 申 请 材 料 让 你 补 交 C V , 有 的 学 校 是 根 据 专 业 来 决 定 的 。 对 于 工 作 一 年 以 上 的 学 生 , 尽 量 准 备 英 文 简 历 , 工 作 两 年 以 上 的 学 生 , 必 须 准 备 英 文 简 历 。
必须要Curriculum Vitae英文简历










今日剩余名额: 12

