

Russian language and culture are becoming increasingly popular among international students. Many students are studying Russian as a second language and Russian universities are attracting more and more international students. In order to fully immerse themselves in Russian culture, it is important for foreign students to learn about Russian customs, traditions, and characteristics. Here are some aspects that international students should know when describing Russia and Russians in English.

1. Geography and climate

Russia is the largest country in the world, spanning two continents and eleven time zones. The country is home to various landscapes including vast forests, mountains, and tundra. It is important to note that Russia has a cold climate with long winters and short summers. When describing Russia, it is important to mention its size and diverse climate.

2. History and culture

Russia has a rich history and culture, and international students should be familiar with its main milestones and cultural achievements. Russian literature and art are world-renowned, and Russian history has witnessed significant political and social developments, including the Bolshevik Revolution and the fall of the Soviet Union. When describing Russia and Russians, it is important to highlight the country's past and present cultural achievements and challenges.

3. Food and drinks

Russian cuisine is diverse and unique, offering a mix of traditional Slavic and Asian influence. Some famous dishes include borscht (a soup made of beets), pelmeni (dumplings filled with meat), and blini (pancakes). Vodka is a traditional drink and is often associated with Russian culture. When describing Russian culture and customs, it is important to mention its unique cuisine and traditional beverages.

4. Social norms and customs

Russian social norms and customs may be different from what international students are used to. Russians are generally reserved and may not openly express their emotions or opinions. They have a strong sense of hospitality and may offer guests food and drinks as a sign of respect. It is also important to note that punctuality is highly valued in Russian culture. When describing Russians, it is important to note their social quirks and customs.

5. Economy and politics

Russia is a major player in the global economy and politics. It is one of the largest producers of oil and gas and has a strong military presence. It has also been involved in various geopolitical conflicts and international sanctions. When describing Russia, it is important to mention its economic and political influence in the world.


In conclusion, international students studying in Russia should be familiar with various aspects of Russian culture and society in order to fully appreciate and understand the country. When describing Russia and Russians in English, it is important to consider factors such as geography, history, culture, food and drink, social norms, and economy and politics. By understanding these aspects, foreign students can enrich their cultural experience and better appreciate their time in Russia.






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